An event about Artists and Scientists who work/think/imagine/engage at the intersections of the Arts and Science.
Chaired by Piero Scaruffi ( and Tami Spector
Part of a series of cultural events
Sponsored by:
School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
the University of Illinois' eDREAM Institute,
the University of Calabria's Evolutionary Systems Group,
Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology,
School of Visual Arts Computer Art Department,
and USF Dean's Office of Arts and Science.
Leonardo ISAST and USF invite you to a meeting of the Leonardo Art/Science community.
See below for location and agenda.
The event is free and open to everybody.
Email me if you want to be added to the mailing list for the LASERs.
Like previous evenings,
the agenda includes some presentations of art/science projects,
news from the audience, and time for casual socializing/networking.
In order to facilitate the networking, feel free to send me the URL of a webpage that describes your work or the organization you work for. I will publish
a list on this webpage before the day of the event so that everybody can check
what everybody else is doing. (Not mandatory, just suggested).
See also...
Bay Area Science Festival
Art, Technology, Culture Colloquia
Art/Science Fusion at UC Davis
Antarctic Science and the Cultural Arts
Robert Buelteman's photography exhibition
Previous Art/Science Evenings
- 6:30pm-6:45pm: Socializing/networking.
- 6:45-7:10:
- Elizabeth Jameson (visual artist) on "Re-Imaging the MRI"
An Artist's Use of Medical Technology to Change the Narrative of Chronic Illness
- 7:10-7:35:
- Kal Spelletich (Seemen) on "Machines Fires Golems Wines Aeronautics Telepresences"
Machines and robots that challenge phenomenologicaly those who activate and interact with them by challenging their perceptions about the role of technology, its roles in their lives and, what is fear and play.
- 7:35-7:50: BREAK.
Before or after the break, anyone in the audience currently working within the intersections of art and science will have 30 seconds to share their work. Please present your work as a teaser so that those who are interested can seek you out during social time following the event.
- 7:50-8:15:
- Caroline Lewis and Robert Davis (Montalvo Artists in Residence) on "Silent Running Climate Clock"
An art project to develop a long-term publicly accessible measurement and recording system that tracks local and global climatic change in order to influence the way we utilise energy.
- 8:15-8:45:
- Minna Harri (choreographer) on "Beautiful Machine"
A dance performance project that juxtaposes humans and objects mixing the state of dolls, puppets and marionettes with Western dance movement.
- 8:45:
Piero Scaruffi on the next Leonardo Art/Science evening
I will simply preview the line-up of speakers for the next Leonardo evening.
- 8:45pm-9:30pm: Discussions, more socializing
You can mingle with the speakers and the audience
- Minna Harri received an MFA in Performance and Theory from Theater Academy Helsinki in her native Finland, relocated to San Francisco in 2008 via Amsterdam in the Netherlands (2003-2008) and has since created several choreographies in different locations in the Bay Area, as well as danced for choreographers Laura Arrington, Jesse Hewit (Goldie winner 2010) and Macklin Kowal. Her previous projects have included dance: Life Sustenance, Raja, Everything Under Control that represented Theater Academy Helsinki in Warsaw Theater Schools Festival in 2003, singing in the group Calle Real (2003-2006), three solo shows in galleries in Helsinki (1998, 1999, 2001), published articles in Finnish periodicals and by Theater Academy, and co-curating a performance art salon in Helsinki (2003).
- Elizabeth Jameson's fascination with medical imaging and brain scans has a personal basis. Diagnosed with the disease of multiple sclerosis, She found herself confronting stark images of her brain that seemed equally frightening and mesmerizing. In tackling this contradiction, s he reinterpret ed these images and used them to explore the amazing biological structure of the brain. Her current artwork saturates these cold, two-dimensional computerized pixels with rich colors that transform scientific images into portraits of individuals with all the frailties, humor, and idiosyncrasies that make us human.
- Caroline Lewis and Robert Davis are Artists in Residence at the Montalvo Arts Center. Caroline Lewis is a lecturer in Social Science teaching, Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy. She trained as a Psychologist at University of Wales and University of London, where she followed a masters program in Counselling and Psychotherapy. She is currently leading a multi disciplinary team from San Jose State University (SJSU) as part of the San Jose Climate Clock Initiative. Robert Davis is a software developer, engineer, and artist who currently works as Systems Developer at Goldsmiths College, University of London. For the last sixteen years he has been actively involved in research in the field of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. He has also created interactive installations with particular emphasis on ways in which adaptive systems interact with each other, whether biological or mechanical in substrate.
- Piero Scaruffi is a cognitive scientist who has lectured in three continents and published several books on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, the latest one being "The Nature of Consciousness" (2006). He pioneered Internet applications in the early 1980s and the use of the World-Wide Web for cultural purposes in the mid 1990s. His poetry has been awarded several national prizes in Italy and the USA. His latest book of poems and meditations is "Synthesis" (2009). As a music historian, he has published ten books, the latest ones being "A History of Rock and Dance Music" (2009) and "A History of Jazz Music" (2007). His latest book of history is "A History of Silicon Valley" (2011). He has also written extensively about cinema, literature and the visual arts.
- Kal Spelletich is the founder of Seemen, an interactive machine art performance collective, has collaborated with Survival Research Labs and countless others from rock bands to scientists, politicians, NASA, Hollywood television and filmmakers. For 28 years he has been experimenting with interfacing humans and technology to put people in touch with intense real life experiences and to empower them. Kal's work is always interactive, requiring a participant to enter or operate the piece, often against their instincts of self-preservation. He works on the waterfront of San Francisco scouring junkyards and dumpsters for industrial items whose technology can be reapplied. He curates art exhibits and is involved in political activism.
Address and directions:
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
SF, CA 94117
Room: Fromm (FR) building, Maraschi room
See the campus map
and directions
Confirmed so far: