Leonardo Art/Science Evening Rendezvous of 10 May 2010

Constructive Interference of the Arts and Sciences

San Francisco, 10 may 2010
c/o University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
SF, CA 94117
McLaren 251

An event about Artists and Scientists who work/think/imagine/engage at the intersections of the Arts and Science.

Chaired by Piero Scaruffi (p@scaruffi.com) and Tami Spector
Part of a series of cultural events
Sponsored by:
School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
the University of Illinois' eDREAM Institute,
the University of Calabria's Evolutionary Systems Group,
Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology,
and USF Dean's Office of Arts and Science.

Leonardo ISAST and USF invite you to a meeting of the Leonardo Art/Science community. See below for location and agenda.

The event is free and open to everybody. Feel free to invite relevant acquaintances but please RSVP to p@scaruffi.com . Admission is limited.

Like previous evenings, the agenda includes some presentations of art/science projects, and time for casual socializing/networking.

In order to facilitate the networking, feel free to send me the URL of a webpage that describes your work or the organization you work for. I will publish a list on this webpage before the day of the event so that everybody can check what everybody else is doing. (Not mandatory, just suggested).

See also...

  • Making Music in the 21st Century
  • Art, Technology, Culture Colloquia
  • Art/Science Fusion at UC Davis
  • Previous Art/Science Evenings

    • 6:30pm-6:45pm: Socializing/networking. During the evening anyone in the audience is welcome to present their work in 30 seconds.
    • 6:45-7:10:
    • Chris Palmer (Artist) on "Tradition Meets Modern Digital Fabrication" Custom software tools (rhinoscripts | grasshopper definitions) developed to serve the expression and fabrication of Middle Eastern styles combining structure and ornament
    • 7:10-7:35:
    • Therese Lahaie (Artist) on "Longing for the Background" An unusual combination of glass, steel, motors, lighting and photography is employed in an investigation of the sciences, the natural world and contemplative practice.
    • 7:35-7:50: BREAK
    • 7:50-8:15:
    • Mona El Khafif (California College of the Arts) on "City Space Share" Revitalizing and transforming urban activity in a city center through spatial strategies that recuperate the street frontage, promote productive inhabitation and initiate micro-urbanisms that support the local neighborhood.
    • 8:15-8:45:
    • Evelyne Gayou (INA France and Stanford CCRMA) on "Making and Listening" The evolution of the musician's tools from musique concrete to electronic music through the philosophy of "making and listening", where first is the gesture and second the perception.
    • 8:45pm-9:30pm: Discussions, more socializing You can mingle with the speakers and the audience

    • Evelyne Gayou is a researcher and electroacoustic composer with a master degree in cinema and a PhD in musicology at the Sorbonne. She is editor in chief of the collection "Portraits Polychromes" books and multimedia documents. Involved in audiovisual activities as an editor for Radio France for many years, she also performs in concert and lectures at universities. As a GRM member since 1975 she has had the opportunity of collaborating with the experimental musical milieu in Europe, from Pierre Schaeffer to Karlheinz Stockhausen, and in the USA especially with the computer music pioneers, Max Mathews, John Chowning, and many others. She published a history of the discovery and development of Musique Concrete under the title "GRM, Groupe de Recherches Musicales, 50 ans d'histoire" (2007).
    • Mona El Khafif is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design and Project Coordinator of the CCA URBANlab, who holds a doctorate in urban design from the TU Vienna. El Khafif worked in architectural offices in Germany and Vienna, on projects which received important urban design awards including the Otto Wagner Urban Design Award for the BUSarchitecture Homeworkers project and the Ortner & Ortner Museumsquartier. El Khafif is a founding principal of phase 1 Fox_El Khafif_Nuhsbaumer, a co-author of URBANbuild local global, and has recently published Staged Urbanism: Urban Spaces for Art, Culture and Consumption in the Age of Leisure Society in Germany. Zer01 Artist in Residence.
    • Therese Lahaie studied Fine Art at Emmanuel College and Glass Technology at Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA. She is a kinetic sculptor using glass, low rpm motors and LED lighting and also has a background in architectural lighting design. At a 2010 Djerassi Artist Residency she collaborated with NY choreographer Leigh Evans. Their performance installation called "Quite Two Departure," will be premiered at PS. 122 in NYC in July 2010.
    • Chris Palmer is a Fine Artist who has specialized in traditional and modern geometric art, textile design, traditional ornament and folding. After four years teaching Digital Fabrication in schools of architecture in Chicago (IIT) and the University of Colorado at Boulder he now works with Rob Bell in a design build studio in San Francisco CA. He is a member of an international design team doing architectural ornament in middle eastern styles for the American Institute of Mathematics Research Conference Center in San Jose.
    • Piero Scaruffi is a cognitive scientist who has lectured in three continents and published several books on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, the latest one being "The Nature of Consciousness" (2006). He pioneered Internet applications in the early 1980s and the use of the World-Wide Web for cultural purposes in the mid 1990s. His poetry has been awarded several national prizes in Italy and the USA. As a music historian, he has published ten books, the latest ones being "A History of Rock Music" (2003) and "A History of Jazz Music" (2007). He has also written extensively about cinema, literature and the visual arts. An avid traveler, he has visited 121 countries of the world.

    Address and directions:

    See the campus map and directions

    McLaren building, Room #251

    University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton Street SF, CA 94117

    Confirmed so far:
