Leonardo ISAST and SETI Institute invite you to a meeting of the Leonardo Art/Science community.
See below for location and agenda.
The event is free and open to everybody.
Feel free to invite relevant acquaintances.
Please RSVP to p@scaruffi.com . Admission is limited.
Like previous evenings,
the agenda includes some presentations of art/science projects,
and time for casual socializing/networking.
In order to facilitate the networking, feel free to send me the URL of a webpage that describes your work or the organization you work for. I will publish
a list on this webpage before the day of the event so that everybody can check
what everybody else is doing. (Not mandatory, just suggested).
See also...
Edward Shanken's US Book Launch (June 7)
Art, Technology, Culture Colloquia
Art/Science Fusion at UC Davis
Previous Art/Science Evenings
When: June 10, 2009
Where: SETI Institute
515 N. Whisman Road, Mountain View, California, USA
- 6:30pm-7:00pm: Socializing/networking.
- 7:00-7:30:
Sheila Pinkel (artist) on "Making visible the invisible in nature and in culture"
Since 1973 I have been trying to make visible the invisible in nature and culture. I will briefly speak about the evolution of my work during this time to provide a conceptual overview of my ideas and process.
- 7:30-8:00:
Robert Edgar (Stanford Univ) "Temporal
Seurats: Simultaneous Opposites"
I create and employ software engines to examine mediated artifacts forged at my zone of proximal development. Or: I collect stuff that interests me, then make ways of re-experiencing it to help me consider why I thought it was interesting. I'll show off a couple of output examples from my current tool-in-development "Simultaneous Opposites".
- 8:00-8:30: BREAK
- 8:30-9:00:
Liena Vayzman (San Jose State University) on "The Aesthetics and Politics of Home in Contemporary Art"
Is home a fleeting dwelling place? A memory? Luxury for the rich? Site of regional identity? Domestic heaven or hell? Nostalgic marker for lost history? In light of the recent foreclosure crisis, Liena Vayzman will discuss the exhibition "Home: The Aesthetics and Politics of Home in Contemporary Art" which she curated in 2007. Works by 30 contemporary artists interpret the concept of home in innovative works of sculpture, video installation, photography, design, painting, and documentary film. "Home" demonstrates artistic critiques and re-imaginings of the embattled white-picket-fenced symbol of the American dream on the cusp of a shifting cultural terrain etched by economies of greed and displacement.
- 9:00-9:30:
Roger Malina, CNRS Marseille, on "The Limits to Curiosity in Art and Science" (remote talk live from France!)
Curiosity is a great motivator, and is part of the ethos of scientific inquiry. As pointed out by Leonardo Editor Sundar Sarukkai in his paper "Science and the Ethics of Curiosity", Curiosity as a value has different cultural histories. When artists and scientists collaborate there are cultural differences that create differences on how one defines success and also ethical and philosophical differences that act as boundary conditions.
- 9:30:
Piero Scaruffi on the next Leonardo Art/Science evening
I will simply preview the line-up of speakers for the next Leonardo evening.
- 9:30pm-10:00pm: Discussions, more socializing
You can mingle with the speakers and the audience
- Robert Edgar is a digital media producer presently living in the Bay area. Robert creates and employs software engines to examine mediated artifacts forged at his zone of proximal development. His engines include Memory Theatre One (1985), Living Cinema (1988), Sand, or How Computers Dream of Truth in Cinema (1992), Memory Theatre Two (2003), and Simultaneous Opposites (presently under development). He holds an MFA from Syracuse University College of Visual and Performing Arts, presently works at Stanford University, and teaches at the Art Institute of Sunnyvale.
- Roger Malina is a space scientist and astronomer, with a specialty in space instrumentation and optics, previously Director of the NASA EUVE Observatory at U.C. Berkeley and Director of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille CNRS. He serves on the Comite National of the French CNRS for astronomy and on the French National Commission on Cosmology. He is also Chairman of the Board of Leonardo/International Society for the Arts/Sciences and Technology in San Francisco and President of the sister association in Paris.
- Sheila Pinkel is a Professor of Art at Pomona College where she has worked since 1986. She has exhibited and spoken nationally and internationally. Most recently she co-curated the exhibition "In Transition Russia 2008" in Ekaterinberg and Moscow, Russia, and participated in a symposium with this title.
- Piero Scaruffi is a cognitive scientist who has lectured in three continents and published several books on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, the latest one being "The Nature of Consciousness" (2006). He pioneered Internet applications in the early 1980s and the use of the World-Wide Web for cultural purposes in the mid 1990s. His poetry has been awarded several national prizes in Italy and the USA. As a music historian, he has published ten books, the latest ones being "A History of Rock Music" (2003) and "A History of Jazz Music" (2007). He has also written extensively about cinema, literature and the visual arts. An avid traveler, he has visited 121 countries of the world.
- Liena Vayzman s hybrid practice incorporates photo-based and curatorial projects. Vayzman co-curated "Chance Operations" and "Night Light: An Evening of Luminous Environments". She organized "Captured Accidents: Valencia Street Live," an interactive media project by digital artist Tim Thompson at Artists Television Access (ATA) and "HOME: The Aesthetics and Politics of Home in Contemporary Art" at Root Division. Vayzman started the bands Jerk Alert and I Like Action! and is currently at work on "The Lemon Tree Project, a yearlong photographic and narrative collaboration with a fruit tree in Oakland CA, and a book project on food and agriculture in contemporary art. In 2008-09, she taught in the Photography Program at San Jose State University.
Address and directions: 515 N. Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA 94043.
Phone: 650-961-6633
Directions to SETI
Confirmed so far: